BRANDON SEIFERT (he/they) is a writer and storyteller. He's known primarily for his Horror/Urban Fantasy comic books, including Witch Doctor, Clive Barker's Hellraiser, Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird, as well as Doctor Who. Companies he's worked for include Marvel, Disney, Legendary Entertainment, IDW Publishing and BOOM! Studios.Brandon specializes in "elevated genre" fiction. His stories feature a heightened sense of believability from the extensive IRL research Brandon does (his journalism background coming out to play!).Brandon is currently branching out into other genres (he loves sci-fi, fairy tales, and a bunch of other things!) and is working to "multiclass" in other storytelling media (including prose, tabletop roleplaying games, and scripted fiction podcasts). Check back for more information and updates!Brandon resides in Portland, Oregon, in a glorious vintage apartment that looks like a Film Noir detective's office. As of Spring 2025, some of Brandon's biggest sources of dopamine include The Wildsea TTRPG, the video game Hyper Light Breaker, and re-listening to The Murderbot Diaries audiobooks on repeat. He's probably the only person you know who's spent the night in the Bird-Man's cell at Alcatraz.
Selected Comics Experience
Brandon's had 50+ comics published, with another 12 issues written and drawn but not yet scheduled.Brandon's work is available in comic and bookstores across the U.S. — as well as in gift shops at Disney parks and Alcatraz National Park!Highlights of Brandon's comics career (so far!) include:• Co-created cult horror/medical drama series Witch Doctor — which was handpicked by Robert "The Walking Dead" Kirkman as the launch title for Skybound Entertainment (Kirkman's partner house at Image Comics).• Developed and wrote Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird (Marvel Comics) with guidance from Disney Imagineering, based on designs for an unbuilt Disneyland attraction designed by renowned Imagineer Rolly Crump.• Co-wrote Hellraiser (BOOM! Studios) for a year+, with franchise creator and horror visionary, Clive Barker!• Co-developed and wrote The Harvester for Legendary Entertainment, collaborating directly with former CEO Thomas Tull.• Researched and wrote a historical non-fiction comic about the 1946 "Battle of Alcatraz" for the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.• Wrote beloved franchises The Avengers (Marvel), Doctor Who, Godzilla In Hell, and The Fly: Outbreak (IDW Publishing).
Selected Clients
• Legendary Entertainment
• Marvel Comics & the Walt Disney Company
• Skybound Entertainment & Image Comics
• Seraphim Films (Clive Barker's film company)
• The Golden Gate National Park Conservancy (nonprofit that administers Alcatraz National Park)
• IDW Publishing
• BOOM! Studios
• Monkeybrain Comics
Writing/Storytelling Education
• Learned comic book writing from industry titan Brian Michael Bendis at Portland State University.
• Later returned as Bendis' Teaching Assistant
Speaking: Panels, Podcasts & Interviews
*Brandon's spoken on numerous convention panels, podcasts and print interviews, both about his work, about writing, and about comics in general.He's also spoken on folklore on panels and podcasts, including (on one memorable occasion) acting as a guest on a podcast about the "Werewolf Witch Trials" of the Early Modern Period of European history!
Selected Podcast Interviews
• Mostly Horror Podcast
• The Weird History Podcast: Brandon Seifert on Werewolves
• Doctor Who: Panel to Panel
Convention Panels
Unfortunately, videos of panels that Brandon's spoken on seem to be hard to find. But here's a list of conventions he's been a panelist at, comic cons and otherwise.
• San Diego Comic Con
• New York Comic Con
• Emerald City Comic Con
• HeroesCon
• WonderCon
• Rose City Comic Con
• H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival
• Many others!
Video Interviews
Selected Future Works
After the acclaim of Witch Doctor, Brandon found additional success writing for characters that other people came up with. Writing Hellraiser, Godzilla and Doctor Who was a blast! But eventually, it because clear that this wasn't where Brandon's heart lived.So a few years ago, he set out in his own direction. Brandon had discovered that his joy in writing lay in telling the stories he wanted to tell, in the manner he wanted to tell them — about characters he'd co-created, himself!As of December 2022, the list of original projects that Brandon is dying to release is up to at least 17 projects long!In the future, this space will hold preview art and information about Brandon's future work — including projects that are looking for publishers.For now, Brandon reveals probably more than he should about his future projects on his Discord community.